Like any belief, family is the first exposure to shape a person's idea. Politics is no exception to this. My grandmother is most radical Conservative I have ever encountered. If I dare propose something she doesn't agree with, I am deemed uneducated about current events. This can even apply to map reading, directions to the grocery story, and the exact measurement on that one recipe she can't read very well without her bifocals. My stance, if not alike, is worthless to her.
So what is my stance? If I don't see myself as a radical, Pro-Trump Conservative, where else does that put me?
Now typically, I am not one to let online quizzes determine my personal attributes, sorry Buzzfeed. But, how much damage can one political quiz do? I actually took the Pew Research's twice to make sure of my results, changing just one answer, still producing the exact same results. I then proceed to make everyone in my family take it. The quiz can be found here.
I feel my beliefs are VERY different than my grandmother's. On social issues such as abortions, I fall into the pro-choice side. My grandmother sticking to her strict Catholic upbringing, would only support pro-life. If I were raised that way, maybe I might share that view, but I wasn't and I don't. Like other America First Conservatives my grandmother sees all immigrants as people breaking the law and need punishing. I strongly disagree with this notion as people often come into America seeking asylum. America despite what many think, isn't the greatest country in the world but especially when it denies safety to those who need it.
My results of this 17 question quiz? I am a "Market Skeptic Republican" or MSR. In a liberal city, in a liberal state, it is almost shameful to be in the red. Despite my upbringing, I am shocked that I am sliding to the right. I care for the environment, believe in equal opportunity, but fear for the current trajectory of this country. It is this fear and skepticism that tips the scale to the right. What's wrong with questioning credibility?Pew Research Center |
Nothing is wrong with questioning credibility! We as people should be asking who has the credentials to hold and perform certain jobs. For some reason, I am not too keen of a rich businessman running the country I reside in. The MSR mindset, for the most part, disagrees with me. I belong to the 23% of MSR who disapprove the way Trump is handling his job as a president.
This quiz isn't perfect, it won't put your ideologies in a nice little box. There are elements of this particular political ideology I agree with and some I don't. People aren't nice little boxes either.
While this quiz puts me in a Conservative or Republican box, some views fit in the Liberal box too. When asked about how the economy treats Americans, above 90% of both MSR and Liberals felt the market "favors powerful interests". Ultimately both the red and blue share a purple box on this topic.
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