The people writing our laws aren't always the typical lawmakers. Often interest groups produce drafts and pieces of potential legislation to hand over to those in Congress. How easy is it to vote on something already written and researched? Who are these people, lobbying for change and using money to influence votes?
That's right, The Girl Scouts of America
In its basic form, an interest group is a group of people that believe in similar ideas and wants laws to reflect their beliefs. Not to compare the NRA (National Rifle Association) to the Girl Scouts of America but they technically are both interest groups.
It should go without saying that the main goal of the Girl Scouts is to inspire young girls to be leaders and bring change to their communities.While the Girl Scouts continue to promote and encourage girls to become leaders, there is a political agenda to this group.
The annual "Federal Legislative Agenda" of the Girls Scouts, posted here, describes their plan. "Girl Scouts is eager to continue working with... Congress to advance policies that foster girls' leadership development."
The tone of this Agenda uses ethos to suggest that girls are capable of achieving the above, but need to be taught leadership. The only leadership experience a girl should receive is from them as it is the best "in the world". It also suggests that girls are needed to identify and solve problems in their communities.
The ideological perspective appears to be more on the Liberal side, it is evident that they support and protect the environment. Advocacy and policy making is also important to the Girl Scouts, believing that everyone is capable of making change happen.
However, this holds some bias, there has been recent debate about the inclusiveness of a historically female organization. The Girl Scouts in an ABC News article, criticized the Boy Scouts harshly for including girls saying; "Girl Scouts is the best girl leadership organization in the world, created with and for girls,". So much for being inclusive?
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