Race and the influence of media.
A Pew Research survey was conducted on the impact and effectiveness of media; the results below are broken down by race of the participants.
The results of this survey show that different races hold varying views when it comes to social media and its impacts. The black community felt that important issues, some not getting a lot of attention, were being noticed through social media platforms. (80% of black participants felt that media was doing this well or very well)
Knowing this, it is not hard to see why almost the same percentage (78%) of blacks felt that social media was also giving a voice to underrepresented groups. Social media has helped voice opinions that historically were left out.
The Black Lives Matter movement is a pivotal example of this.
After several police shootings directed at black youth gained national attention, people turned to social media. Protests and campaigns were organized on social media with the help of a hashtag.
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